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We offer you several options of 100g vacuum packed sachets

3 sachets of 100g acorn-fed Iberico ham   TAMAÑO S

5 sachets of 100g of acorn-fed Iberian ham   TAMAÑO M

10 sachets of 100g of acorn-fed Iberico ham  TAMAÑO  L

20 sachets of 100g of acorn-fed Iberian ham  TAMAÑO  XL 

30 sachets of 100g of acorn-fed Iberian ham  TAMAÑO 2XL

Made from pigs fattened on the basis of acorns, pastures from the dehesas and feed, with a minimum production time of 24 months.

 - Nobility and prestige in the creation of hams aged slowly in the cellar until they reach their optimum point of flavour.

- Authentic flavor and aroma of the best Iberian pig raised in montanera with acorns. Recognized by the most demanding professionals, enjoyed by all. Symbols of the exquisite.

 - Sausages cured in the solitude of the dryer and selected at their optimum moment of cutting and consumption.

- Company subject to the strictest controls of the QUALITY STANDARD of Royal Decree 1469/2007 through the company CERTICALIDAD S.L.

Black leg Iberian ham.

 Made from pigs fattened on the basis of acorns, pastures from the dehesas and feed, with a minimum production time of 24 months. And in our house this commitment is fulfilled, uniting the use of the best raw material with traditional wisdom, an innovative spirit and authentic love for the trade that characterizes the Ham Masters, experience, technique, art and painstaking care in the production of quality artisan hams. unique, pride of our Iberian ham

- Authentic flavor and aroma of the best Iberian pig raised in montanera with acorns and feed. Recognized by the most demanding professionals, enjoyed by all.

 Symbols of the exquisite.

- Sausages cured in the solitude of the dryer and selected at their optimum moment of cutting and consumption.

 - Company subject to the strictest controls of the QUALITY STANDARD of Royal Decree 1469/2007 through the company CERTICALIDAD S.L.

- A production system approved according to the highest quality standards of the European Union, which combines the traditional process with the best technology, achieving a soft and juicy flavor in the cured ham.


Vacuum-packed acorn-fed Iberian ham sachets, with an authentic flavor and aroma; selected at the optimal moment of cutting and consumption

Product Details

Vacuum-packed acorn-fed Iberian ham sachets

black leg

Weight: 100g

Made from fattened pigs based on acorns, pastures from the dehesas and feed

Minimum production time: 24 months * Nobility and prestige in the creation of hams aged slowly in the cellar until reaching their optimum point of flavor * Authentic flavor and aroma of Iberian pig raised in the montanera phase with acorns

Cured ham in the solitude of the dryer and selected at its optimum moment of cutting and consumption

Expiration date: 8 months

Capacity of 1 envelope: 100 g

Nutritional values: average values ​​per 100 g

Energy value (Kcal/Kg) 1476 kJ 355 Kcal

Protein 29.6 g

Carbohydrates <0.8 g

of which sugars 0 g

Fat 26.3 g

of which saturated 8.1 g

Mono-unsaturated 15.5 g

Polyunsaturated 2.7 g

Dietary fiber 0 g

Salt 3.7 g

Note: Company subject to the strictest controls of the quality standard of Royal Decree 4/2014 through the company CALICER

of which sugars 0 g

Fat 26.3 g

of which saturated 8.1 g

Mono-unsaturated 15.5 g

Polyunsaturated 2.7 g

Dietary fiber 0 g

Salt 3.7 g

Note: Company subject to the strictest controls of the quality standard of Royal Decree 4/2014 through the company CALICER

sobresde jamon
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